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Titel: The ecrif methodological framework (encounter, clarify, remember, internalize, fluency) for the development of a1 grammar level among eighth graders
Autoren: Galora Moya, Nelly Patricia
Simba Tipan, Darwin David
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Beschreibung: The study entitled "The ECRIF methodological framework (encounter, clarification, recall, internalization, fluency) for the development of grammatical level a1 among eighth grade students" aims to analyze how eighth grade students use the ECRIF methodological framework to achieve A1 grammar proficiency. The methodological process used had a quantitative approach with descriptive level. A quasi-experimental design and correlational level were used; the study contemplated the application of a pre-test and post-test directed to a total of twenty students of eight grade at “Unidad Educativa Chinibi”, who were divided into two groups for the present study: the control group and the experimental group. The results showed that the ECRIF methodological framework influences the development of the students' A1 grammar level, where Spearman's correlation coefficient established a score of 0.00, a result lower than 0.05. xi Thus we concluded that the ECRIF method is an active teaching-learning strategy that by focusing on how the learner learns according to his or her needs, positively influences the learner's grammar level. Grammar is an aspect that has been little explored for English sentence structure because of the difficulties it presents when learning, but the ECRIF methodological framework facilitates this process. However, it is noticed that this strategy is only effective when the teacher knows how to use it in the classroom. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to be trained in the tool in order to be able to apply it in the classroom. It was also concluded that this method fosters an environment that motivates students to learn grammar, in order to support their degree of fluency and coherence when using the language both orally and writing. Finally, it is important to mention that the benefit of learning grammar in English favors their skills and competencies by promoting good communication with others, generating confidence and a greater understanding of the language to face the current challenges of society.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Maestría en Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

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