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Title: Mobile learning and the development of english language vocabulary
Authors: Sulca Guale, Manuel Xavier
Ulloa Rios, Luis Fernando
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2020
Publisher: Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación-Carrera de Idiomas
Abstract: The current research named “the Mobile learning and the development of English language vocabulary” is focused on the problem that students does not manage technological devices to acquire a second language. This research is expected to analyze the relation between technological tools and the learning process of acquiring English vocabulary. The methodology that was applied during this process of evaluation was qualitative and quantitative by applying a pre-test and post-test which allowed to have results to know the English level of the students, proficiency in the target language before and after the application of the test. The subjects proposed for the application of the test were second semester university students of “Pedagogia de la actividad Fisica y Deporte” major at Universidad Técnica de Ambato. The conclusion of this research was that technological devices and the common method of teaching have a good impact on students. In both cases, students obtained an improvement on their English level. On the other hand, at the moment to implement technological devices, an improvement was evident in the experimental group. This means that the use of technologies has good results as it motivates students in a better way
Appears in Collections:Carrera de Idiomas

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