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Titel: Online forums and the writing skill development in students of third year of B.G.U. at "Augusto N. Martínez" High School from Ambato city, Tungurahua province
Autoren: Encalada Trujillo, Edgar Guadia
Gallegos Gallegos, Karina Ximena
Erscheinungsdatum: 1-Mär-2018
Herausgeber: Universidad Tècnica de Ambato.Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educaciòn.Carrera de Idiomas
Zusammenfassung: The objective of this research was to expose the influence that online forums have on the writing skill development of third-year students of B.G.U. at “Augusto N. Martínez” High School. The data was obtained through surveys, the results were analyzed both graphically and in numerical tables. The quantitative and qualitative methodologies were applied in this process and the Chi square table was used to check the information. Through this process, it was concluded that the use of online forums would have a positive effect on the writing skill development since most of the respondents think that the use of technology, specifically online forums, bring many benefits to the English class. Moreover, the use of online forums allows students to develop more complex sentences, acquire a higher level of vocabulary and improve their reading skills; which enables them to write complete ideas and to have an effective written work
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Carrera de Idiomas

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