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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorHernández Freire, Alba Paulina-
dc.contributor.authorUnaucho Guala, Evelyn Gissela-
dc.descriptionCurrently, the teaching and learning process of a foreign language is a challenge every day. The advancement of technology allows teachers to use innovative digital resources in the classroom, which facilitates the learning process for students. Therefore, this research work analyzed the use of digital flashcards in vocabulary learning, in order to accomplish this research, the population was a group of 24 students from the seventh grade “A” at "Oxford" high school located in Salcedo in Cotopaxi province. As well as, using a correlational and cross-sectional research type, also non-experimental research. As a matter of fact, a verified survey was used, according to the validation of Cronbach's Alpha which gave a reliability of 0.805 with a sample of 10 students who were randomly selected, then the validated survey was applied to the total population of 24 students, including 10 males and 14 females. to analyze the perception of students related to the use of digital flashcards in the learning process. On the other hand, to examine the level of use of vocabulary was applied the A1 vocabulary test from Cambridge University which shows that students have a low level of vocabulary according to the vocabulary test. Additionally, the research served to demonstrate that the use of digital flashcards in the learning contributes to the development of English language vocabulary, also digital flashcards are an effective technological tool.es_ES
dc.description.abstractCurrently, the teaching and learning process of a foreign language is a challenge every day. The advancement of technology allows teachers to use innovative digital resources in the classroom, which facilitates the learning process for students. Therefore, this research work analyzed the use of digital flashcards in vocabulary learning, in order to accomplish this research, the population was a group of 24 students from the seventh grade “A” at "Oxford" high school located in Salcedo in Cotopaxi province. As well as, using a correlational and cross-sectional research type, also non-experimental research. As a matter of fact, a verified survey was used, according to the validation of Cronbach's Alpha which gave a reliability of 0.805 with a sample of 10 students who were randomly selected, then the validated survey was applied to the total population of 24 students, including 10 males and 14 females. to analyze the perception of students related to the use of digital flashcards in the learning process. On the other hand, to examine the level of use of vocabulary was applied the A1 vocabulary test from Cambridge University which shows that students have a low level of vocabulary according to the vocabulary test. Additionally, the research served to demonstrate that the use of digital flashcards in the learning contributes to the development of English language vocabulary, also digital flashcards are an effective technological tool.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Técnica de Ambato-Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación-Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y extranjeroses_ES
dc.titleDigital flashcards and vocabulary learninges_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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