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Titel: Las industrias culturales y su contribución al fortalecimineto de la identidad cultural ambateña
Autoren: Naranjo Gamboa, Byron Orlando
Alvarez Córdova, Andrés Sebastián
Erscheinungsdatum: Sep-2019
Herausgeber: Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Carrera de Comunicación Social
Zusammenfassung: Cultural industries through its content, through its programming, mould the form and way of perceiving reality creating stereotypes which are ways of acting and thinking in a Western way, assimilating foreign customs as their own, thus is taken behaviors of other countries and attempts to reflect as ideals of perfection. It is necessary to portray the cultural identity in a society believed on the cultural and intercultural communication content seen with respect, understanding it in its global perspective, creating through their cultural heritage products communication to generate with their reflection on the history, and as the main emblematic characters messages created enlightenment's ideals. That is why this work intends to carry the cultural identity through a content that reflects the history, traditions, heritage, cultural aspects, which are in accordance with each society, creating information on cultural aspects that serve to the population this aware about aspects that are part of the cultural identity.Thus in an era each more globalized where connection and broadcast content is made more naturally, without depending on a conventional platform such as a newspaper, radio or tv; images and video are the preferred way to transmit information, as well as music that is heard comes from outside, from industrial powers that form a homogenization of tastes and come to the society as a mere market.That's why this paper seeks to provide a solution to preserve the cultural roots, indigenous values and cultural heritages, transmitting this information in a creative way so that people interested in their own environment and the things that are part of the history of the city. The present work was developed under proactive critical paradigm and is determined as the cultural industries to contribute to the strengthening of cultural identity, so it will use surveys and interviews of key players; resulting in a vacuum on the scope of the history of the city, on the legacy of their main emblematic characters, traditions, their worldview, their cultural heritage aspects that are not taken into account by the industries cultural and can be a contribution to form a cultural identity in the people.
Beschreibung: Las industrias culturales mediante su contenido, mediante su programación, moldean la forma y manera de percibir la realidad creando estereotipos que son formas de actuar y pensar de una manera occidental, asimilando costumbres ajenas como propias, así se toma conductas de otros países y se intenta volver a reflejar como ideales de perfección. Para retratar la identidad cultural en una sociedad es necesario que se cree contenidos comunicacionales sobre la cultural y la interculturalidad visto con respeto, entendiéndola desde su cosmovisión, creando mediante sus patrimonios culturales productos comunicacionales que generen con sus mensajes reflexión sobre la historia y como los principales personajes emblemáticos crearon ideales de ilustración. Es por eso que este trabajo busca a portar a la identidad cultural mediante un contenido que refleje la historia, las tradiciones, los patrimonios, aspectos culturales propios, que son conformes a cada sociedad, creando información sobre aspectos culturales que sirvan para que la población esté enterada sobre aspectos que forman parte de la identidad cultural.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Comunicación Social

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